Dog Boarding Prince George: What We Do
MacKye Kennels has a fantastic boarding facility that is designed with all dogs in mind. Safety, comfort and a fun-filled boarding experience for your dog are top priorities at our kennel! MacKye Kennels is set up to meet the needs and requirements of the young to the old, small to the large, and soft-tempered to the more anti-social dogs. Our house-dog accommodations are large, secure and heated indoor/outdoor kennels. As well, we are pleased to offer a building that caters to small dogs and soft, quiet or older large dogs. We have two styles of kennels for outdoor dogs, both large and sheltered from the weather; one style of kennels are completely covered and on cement pads for those needing the utmost in security. All exercise yards are chain-linked and have shade cover for your dog’s safety and comfort.
Daily Dog Boarding Schedule

In the morning, the dogs are brought out of their kennels and put into the exercise yards. While they are out, their kennels and blankets are tidied-up and waters are changed.

If the weather is nice, the dogs stay out in the exercise yards, while the cats are attended to. We prepare morning meals; then all the dogs are brought back inside and are fed, separately.

If the weather is not pleasant, the dogs are out long-enough to take care of business and are then brought in quickly and fed.

After everyone has eaten, they are put back into the exercise yards to run, play and lounge. In good weather, those house dogs that like to stay out for several hours, do. Young pups and older dogs tend to want to come back inside sooner for nap time.

All exercise yards have lots of shade areas, for those wanting to get out of the sun. For their comfort, all exercise yards have outdoor rugs to lay on; as well, water pails are in each exercise yard and are monitored and changed through-out the day.

After nap time, in the afternoon, the dogs are back in the exercise yards to enjoy the day.

In early evening, there is another visit to the exercise yards and then everyone is back in their kennels for the night.

Length of time outside is dependent on the weather and the individual dog.
Exercise Policy
MacKye Kennels does not exercise all dogs together – safety is our top priority! Social dogs are exercised in groups dictated by age, size and temperament. We also have pairings of male/female only and of course, anti-social/aggressive dogs are exercised on their own. The kennel follows a daily routine that is very similar to the routine your dog has at home!
Pet Care & Accommodations
We are an engaged and hands-on boarding kennel. Extra help and care is given to any new, shy or nervous dog. If possible, we will get them a friend/mate that is a regular and “real pro.” Diet/Feeding protocol for pets is dictated by the pet owner. As with the cats, food and treats are included in our service for dogs. If your dog requires a special or medicated diet, you are kindly asked to supply your own. We recommend that you bring your dog’s own familiar bedding and favorite toy for their comfort and enjoyment. If forgotten, don’t worry, we have extra bedding and toys!
We want everyone to have a great holiday! Whether it’s a friend for company, giving medication, radios playing in all the buildings, extra bedding, visits to the house, swimming pools or little dog coats for those cold days outside, love and kindness is waiting for your pet at MacKye Kennels!